
  • Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

  • Containers

  • Virtualisation

  • Dedicated Bare Metal Servers

  • Our High Availability Compute Clusters

  • Our Datacentres

Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

A Virtual Private Server (also known as a Virtual Server or Virtual Machine (MV) are servers that are independent of the physical underlying host Server

The host Server has been partitioned to create multiple Virtual Servers all operating with their own independent Operating System and dedicated memory as if it was its own dedicated physical server

Our VPS servers perform equally as well as a stand-alone server, they have their own root access, can be rebooted and managed independently and all system components operate as you’d expect from a physical Server

What can I use a VPS Server for?

Your VPS is a blank canvas, yours to deploy whatever you like. We have no restrictions or technical limitations on what you can use your Server for

Here are a few common use cases:

  • Line of business applications

  • File Server … unstructured data or backups

  • Database Server … MySQL, Microsoft SQL, Oracle

  • Development Server … test, dev, staging, pre-prod

  • Web Server … development, hosting, web apps

  • Voice … VoIP PBX or VoIP reporting services

  • Desktop virtualisation

  • Email hosting

  • Firewall Server

  • Monitoring & reporting services

  • Projects & management workflows

  • VPN Server

VPS Inclusions & Custom Options

Each Server is entirely customisable … you can upgrade anytime so why pay for more than you need to start with

The following table highlights our VPS compute & management options:

Self Managed

Part Managed

Fully Managed

CPU Cores Number Number Number
Memory (GB) Size Size Size
Solid State Drives SSD (GB) Size Size Size
IP Addresses Number Number Number
No Contracts
Security – Standard
Monitoring – Standard
Backups – Standard
Unlimited Data Traffic & Bandwidth
Unlimited IOPS
Admin / Root access
High Availability
Operating System Linux or Windows
Provisioning & Configuration
Hardware Maintenance
NZ Location
Patching & Updates
Security – Advanced
Server Administration
DNS Management
Cold Storage Data Archive (1 TB)
24/7 Managed Server
Server Migration (in-bound)
Monitoring – Advanced
Backups – Advanced
Application Support
Activity Management Reports

   LXC Containers

If you’re not familiar with Containerisation then we’ll happily provide a recommendation if Containers are a good fit for your applications compared to a VPS

There are different use cases for VPS vs Containers and given Virtualisation and Containers are complementary (as opposed to competing technologies) it’s prudent to review what fits best for your requirements. To muddy the waters even further we also provision Containers inside VM’s where it makes sense

Containerised applications share the operating system kernel with the other containers. They are typically lightweight, requiring minimal compute resource and because they don’t have their own OS they’re very fast to load

Containers are highly portable and offer the best density on a hardware to application ratio … this delivers great scalability and ensures they’re a viable proposition particularly with application development. They are quick to deploy and their small footprint means they’re a cost effective alternative to a dedicated VPS

Virtualisation demonstrated that a whole Server is not required to run a single application

Containers demonstrate you don’t require a whole Operating System for each application

Dedicated Bare Metal Servers

Go2Host can customise your own dedicated rack mount server solution, tailored to meet your specific mission critical workloads

Bare metal Servers are Cloud ready to host your own Private or Hybrid Cloud … customers select hardware specifications according to their compute requirements

We provide the Network stack, security configuration, monitoring, backups and IPMI but we can also help configure your Server to a production ready state

Standard Inclusions

Custom Options

  • Networking

  • Security hardening

  • Monitoring

  • Managed Backups

  • Unlimited data traffic

  • Static IP addresses

  • Provisioning & free setup

  • Datacentre hosting facilities

  • CPU … Intel Xeon CPU generation, clock speed & core count

  • Memory … RAM capacity & speed

  • Storage & Controllers … NVMe or SATA SSD’s, HDD, RAID, Ceph SDS

  • Virtualisation … KVM & Proxmox, OpenStack, VMware ESXi, Hyper-V

  • Monitoring … complete tech stack, security & applications

  • Backups … managed backups with custom retention periods

  • Operating System … Linux distro or Windows Server OS

  • Management … full or partial expert Server management

   Our High Availability Compute Clusters

Our Infrastructure is 100% owned, built and operated by us. Our fault tolerant storage is built with no single points of failure, Networks include diverse carriers, a 40Gbps redundant core and Servers are deployed on high availability clusters with automated fail-over

Our self-healing HA clusters are built for maximum uptime, exceptional reliability, and consistently high performance

Asset life-cycle, hardware maintenance, upgrades and patching are all critical to delivering reliable services … we have built our clusters to cater for scheduled maintenance and planned outages without disrupting customer services

We’ve selected the following best of breed technologies to build & deliver our services & solutions

Our Datacentres

Our Infrastructure is housed in racks at an Auckland based Data Centre with secondary Data Centre’s in Sydney and Hamilton serving some Australian customers and providing Disaster Recovery services

Data Centre features

  • Tier 3+ grade facilities

  • N+1 & 2N resilience with A & B power feeds from diverse substations

  • Network carrier neutral connected to multiple upstream network providers

  • UPS & backup diesel generators with redundant cooling

  • 24/7 staffed security, access controls & biometrics

  • Fire Detection & Suppression Systems


Absolutely. Talk to us about your Windows server options

Yes, all VPS, containers, dedicated servers are provided with root access

We can provide you with cPanel, Plesk, Cloud Linux control panel utilities or you are welcome to install your own

Sure can. We have specialist and highly qualified Linux and Windows engineers who can manage all or part of your servers for you. Give us a call about management options and eliminate the administrative overhead of managing your own server fleet

We use Ceph for primary storage clusters. We’ve been running Ceph for several years and believe it to be in a class of its own for performance, reliability, scalability and self-healing capabilities.

We love the flexibility, customisability and reliability of Open Source. Customers obviously love the performance and reliability but also the cost savings

That is entirely up to you … there are no restrictions on any specific OS

We provide custom backup schedules and backup retention periods. Best to discuss your requirements with us but rest assured we’re super flexible with backup options

Service Portfolio       

Multiple Services, 1 Service Provider … how can we help you today?



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